美国Wilkerson威尔克森颗粒过滤器9EM-TK-190-5现货* Particulate Filters For the removal of solid particle contaminants down to 5 microns and the separation of bulk liquids. This type of fi lter is generally used in industrial applications where liquid water and oil, and harmful dirt particles must be removed from the compressed air system. This type of fi lter should also be used as a prefi lter for the Coalescing (oil removal) fi lter.
Operation Wet and dirty inlet air is directed downward and outward in a circular pattern by the turbine-shaped upper baffl e. This action mechanically separates a large amount of the liquid and gross particles, which then fl ow down the inside of the bowl, past the lower baffl e, into the quiet zone to be drained away. The quiet zone baffl e prevents the contaminants from re-entering the air fl ow stream. The partially cleansed air then passes through the fi lter element. By utilizing depth fi ltration, the 5 micron fi lter media provides superior fi ltration, exceptional service life and minimum pressure drop. Coalescing Filters (Oil Removal) Specifi cally designed for the removal of solid particles, water and oil aerosols down to 0.01 micron. Maximum remaining oil content of air leaving the fi lter down to 0.01ppm at 70°F (21°C) at a pressure of 100 PSIG (6,9 bar g) using a typical compressor lubricant. Two fi lter element grades are offered to better meet your air quality requirements. Grade B and B1 fi lter elements are used for most air coalescing applications where the removal of liquid aerosols and submicronic particles for general air quality is required.
Protection of components such as air valves, cylinders, as well as air conveyors, air gaging, air bearings, air control circuits and paint spraying equipment are examples of specifi c end-use applications. This grade of fi lter element should be used as a prefi lter for the Grade C coalescing fi lter. Grade C high-effi ciency fi lter elements are used where the removal of extremely fi ne particulate and virtually “oil-free” or high quality air is necessary. Specifi c end-use applications are protection of critical air control circuits, air logic systems, fl ow and temperature controllers, food processing, electronics, health care and fi lm processing. This grade of fi lter element should be used as a prefi lter for the Grade D oil vapor removal fi lter. 美国Wilkerson威尔克森颗粒过滤器9EM-TK-190-5现货*
Operation The fi lter element design utilizes a borosilicate micro fi ber that provides superior fi ltration effi ciency, quick draining and minimum pressure drop. Unlike standard particle fi lters, air fl ow is inside to out. The compressed air / gas passes through the inner layer of the fi lter element which acts as an integral pre-fi lter to remove large contaminants. This gives protection to the layer of high effi ciency fi lter material which substantially removes submicronic aerosols and solids from the air fl ow stream. Solid particles are permanently trapped within the fi lter media. The fi ne liquid particles, including aerosols, after initially being trapped by the fi bers of the fi lter media, begin to collect or coalesce forming larger droplets. These droplets, along with other large droplets present, are pushed to the outer surface. Here, the anti-reentrainment barrier collects the droplets as they break free from the micro fi ber and allow them to gravitate within its cellular structure forming a “wet band” around the bottom of the element. Clean fi ltered air / gas passes through the anti-reentrainment barrier above the “wet-band” where the resistance to fl ow is less, leaving a quiet zone of no air / gas movement in the bottom of the fi lter housing. The separated liquid drops from the bottom of the fi lter element and falls through the, without being re-entrained, to the bottom of the fi lter housing where it collects to be removed by a drain. Oil Vapor Filters Activated carbon element for the removal of oil vapor and oil associated odors. Maximum remaining oil content of air leaving the fi lter is 0.003 ppm at 70°F (21°C) at a pressure of 100 PSIG (6,9 bar g). For the Grade D fi lter element, two types of designs are used depending on the size and fl ow capacity of the fi lter housing. An oil vapor fi lter is used, in conjunction with a Grade C fi lter element, where the application requires very high air quality. Typical applications are food processing and packaging, pharmaceutical, fermentation, electronics and semi-conductor, and critical air control. Operation While the Grade B, B1 and C fi lter elements can remove extremely fi ne liquid and solid particles, they cannot remove gaseous contaminants such as oil vapor or odors. To do this you must employ the physical phenomena of adsorption. Activated carbon, having an affi nity for oil vapor molecules and with an extremely high surface area, created by its capillary structure, is used. Our activated carbon Grade D fi lter elements are designed to maximize the adsorption properties of the carbon. This is achieved by fi rst passing the air through carbon granules located either in an annular space or tubular section. The granules provide a very high ratio of surface area to volume, and when arranged in a deep bed, increases the dwell time of the air fl ow. This type of design provides the benefi t of both high effi ciency and longer service life of the activated carbon. Differential Pressure Indicator (DP2, DP8) The Wilkerson direct mounting Differential Pressure Indicator is equipped standard on most Coalescing Filter models. It provides a maintenance free means of determining the service life of the fi lter element. With a new fi lter the indicator shows all green, and progresses to a full red indication a 7-8 PSID, indicating the element should be changed. The magnifi ed indicator can be easily seen from the top or either side of the fi lter, and with only one moving part will provide reliability and long life. The Differential Pressure Indicator cannot be retrofi tted to Wilkerson fi lters ordered without it. It is available as a replacement accessory kit. Note: The maximum operating pressure for metal or plastic bowls with this Indicator is 150 PSIG. The maximum operating temperature is 150°F for metal bowls and 125°F for plastic bowls. DP3 Differential Pressure Gauge The Wilkerson direct mounting Differential Pressure Gauge (non-pressurized face) is standard on all mainline fi lters and it is available as an accessory in kit form. With a scale reading to 20 PSID (1370 m bar dp) the gauge gives a quick indication of the status of the fi lter element in the fi lter. The gauge provides a reliable method to help ensure that the fi lter element is changed at the most economical and convenient time.美国Wilkerson威尔克森颗粒过滤器9EM-TK-190-5现货* |